How do I create and manage tags?

Created on:
March 24, 2022

What are tags?

Tags are labels that you use to categorize your staff in different ways.

Here are some examples of when it can be good to create tags:

  • Your employees have different qualifications required to perform the tasks at hand
  • Your employees have different forms of employment
  • Your employees work in different departments or cities

Create a new tag and tag your personnel

The easiest way to create tags is to press on ⚙️ icon > Manage tags.

On the Manage tags page click on +Add, name the tag, and press Save. Then click on the tag you just created and check the boxes to the left of the employees who should have the tag.



Turn tags into permissions

When you link tags to both your employees and your registers you make sure that the right person is booked on the right shift and that the right person is reporting time towards the right task/project/order/department.

To link a tag with a register, select a tag and click on it. At the top of the page you will see a number of tabs representing your registers. Open a selected tab and check the boxes in columns Schedule and Report in one or more rows. Each row represents a register post. For example, if you open a tab called Tasks, the rows represent the different tasks your employees perform.

Change the name of a tag

Click on +Add, name the tag and choose the old tag in the field Copy from. Then click on Save and you are done! Don't forget to delete the old tag.

Delete a tag

Click on a tag you want to delete, press on Settings at the top right corner, and then click on Delete tag.

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