How do I exchange shifts with my colleagues?

Created on:
February 6, 2023

Things change and your schedule needs to be able to adapt accordingly.
Here is instruction of how you as a user can send an inquiry to another colleague about switching a shift. Note that a manager need to approve of the exchange before it activates.

On the website

  1. Go to "My schedule" and press on the shift that you want to exchange.
  2. Press on the tab "Exchange".
  3. Choose which shift you would want to switch with and press on the envelope icon on the right.
  4. Done! Now the colleague will get an email with the inquiry that you would want to exchange a shift with him/her and information about the two shifts.

In the mobile app

  1. Go to the date you have a shift on that you want to exchange and press on the shift.
  2. Press the button "Shift Exchange".
  3. Choose which shift you would want to switch with and press on the envelope icon on the right.
  4. Done! Now the colleague will get an email with the inquiry that you would want to exchange a shift with him/her and information about the two shifts.


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