How do I save and use shift and schedule templates?

Created on:
March 24, 2022

Shift templates

You can create a shift template while creating a new shift or use an already created one.

  • Option 1 Click on the schedule, fill out the shift details, click on the three dots next to the button "Save"/"Book" and then press "Save as a new template". Give your new template a name and press "Save as a new template.
  • Option 2 Click on an already created shift, in the tab "Edit" click on three dots next to the button "Saved" and then press "Save as a new template". Give your new template a name and press "Save as a new template.

You will find your saved templates next time you create a shift. Simply click on "Use template" at the top of the sidebar.

Schedule templates

To create a schedule template click on "Select shifts" at the top right corner, click on the shifts you want to be included and press "Create new schedule template". Name the template and click on "Save template".

Instead of using "Select shifts" to pick the shifts to be included in the template you can use a couple of other tools available in the system:

  • On the left hand side on each of the rows in the schedule you will find three dots. Once you have clicked on them you will be able either to select or deselect all the shifts on the row.
  • If you click on the arrow next to the button "Select shifts" you will be able to select all the shifts in your chosen time period. Those shifts you do not want to select can be deselected simply by clicking on them.

To use the template, go to the time period you want to schedule. Press the button "Use template" at the top right corner, choose the schedule template, set the start date and decide whether bookings should be included or not. Lastly, roll out your chosen schedule template.


If you want the schedule template to be repeated press "Repeat shifts" instead of "Roll out". Choose how often the repetition should occur, when it should start and when it should end before you roll out the repetition.

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