Railway company - How do I adjust the system to fit my organisation?

Created on:
July 27, 2022

Due to it's flexibility Timezynk is used by organisations in various industries, for example, healthcare, recruitment & consulting, railway, hotel & restaurant, facilities management, etc.

While using the system with the standard settings for shifts and time reports work well for some of our customers, we believe that tailoring the system to fit one's needs is what makes the biggest difference in day-to-day operations.

Set up for a railway company

Majority of organisations working in railway industry choose not to schedule. Instead their employees create stand-alone time reports once the day's work has been done.

In the picture below you can see how a typical structure of such a report looks like.


All of these fields are used for both gathering important information about your employees' workday and setting up your agreements to ensure smooth payroll and invoicing.

Do you want to set it up on your account?

Here are detailed instructions of how you can make that happen.

Create new registers

1. Go to Register settings (the gear icon at the top rigt corner> Register settings under Register)

2. Click on the green button "+Add" at the top right corner

3. In the field "Title" type "Project"

4. Click on the button "+ Create" at the bottom left corner in the side bar

5. Repeat steps 2-4 with registers "Profession", "Allowance" and "Vehicle"

Add additional fields in the register "Project"

1. In the register settings click on the register called "Project"

2. Click on the blue "+ Add" at the bottom of the page

3. In the field "Type" choose "Project number" under "Invoice rows"

4. In the field "Name" type "Project number (invoice)"

5. Click on the button "Save" at the bottom left corner in the side bar

6. Repeat the steps 2-5 with the following:

  • Field type "Project number" under "Payroll rows"
  • Field type "Customer" under "Registers"

Connect the newly created registers to your shifts

1. Click on "SETTINGS /REGISTERS" at the top left corner to come back to register settings

2. In the register settings click on the register called "Shifts"

3. Click on the blue "+ Add" at the bottom of the page

4. In the field "Type" choose "Project" under Registers (you may need to releoad the page to see the newly created registers)

5. Click on the button "Save" at the bottom left corner in the side bar

6. Point to the dots on the left side and drag the field in order to place it under "Breaks".

7. Repeat steps 3-6 with registers "Profession", "Allowance" and "Vehicle"

Adjust register for time reports

1. Click on "SETTINGS /REGISTERS" at the top left corner to come back to register settings

2. Click on the register called "Time reports"

3. Click on the blue "+ Add" at the bottom of the page

4. In the field "Type" choose "Numerical" under General

5. In the field "Name" type "Milage (write in driven kilometer)"

6. Click on the button "Save" at the bottom left corner in the side bar

Activate the register for materials

1. Contact our support at support@timezynk.com and we will activate the register for you.

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