What fields does an order form consist of?

Created on:
March 24, 2022

Below is an explanation of the fields that can be filled in on the order form.

  • Name of form - Fill in a clear name on your form.
  • Description - Fill in a description of what the form contains for your customer.
  • Picture - Upload an image that describes the service, or perhaps your company's logo.
    You can directly preview the result where you see how it will look for customers when they choose your form to order.

Field from shifts

In order for the system to know more about the shifts you receive via orders, you can choose how they should be linked to your registers. Different companies have different registers and you can also choose not to have registers included in the order itself.

  • Not included in form - The field can be used as usual in the schedule, but is not included in the order and is not exposed to the customer.
  • Entered by client - The field is filled in by the client when they create their order, note that the client can then see all the headings in this register and the option is suitable if you have a list of tasks or services.
  • Entered by supplier - The field is filled in by the supplier when they receive an order.
    Predefined - The field is predefined from the forms.
    Predefined from client - The field is predefined from the client, this is chosen in connection with inviting a client and then you can choose that their orders should be linked to a certain client.

Other fields

To ensure that all information is in place to complete the order, additional fields or links to records can be added.

The general fields ensure that no detail is missed. There are several different types to choose from, for example the phone number field makes it possible to call it from the mobile app, the address becomes a link so you can navigate and email so you can click and write your email.
The register choices allow you to freely choose from your registers in Timezynk even things that are not normally included in an internal booking.


A list of clients who may use this form. Click the button to invite a client.

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